The Challenge

Communities in Chicago hit hardest by economic, health and environmental disparities are excluded from the decisions that affect them. The power imbalance in society and the lack of diverse representation in government mean that not everyone has an equal voice. Our city has a deeply embedded and inequitable system that benefits some but not others. Additionally, community leaders lack opportunities to share ideas across neighborhoods and sectors. 

Our Approach

Square One Foundation believes that strong and equitable democratic institutions are vital to foster a just society. The tools of democracy should be available to all of its citizens. We strengthen organizations that push our civic institutions toward greater inclusivity, accountability, transparency and responsiveness to Chicago's residents, including those working on environmental justice and community-based media. We foster dialogue and work across boundaries to build stronger, well-connected communities that have a voice in Chicago’s larger power structures. A political system that genuinely reflects its people ensures that public policy reflects the public will.

